The three sculptures are fully functional ships and sailing culture centers, which seek out their audience. They sail with a volunteer crew and environmentally friendly electric motors, and artistic interchange in Denmark and on the European rivers and canals. They represent a life cycle with the titles: My ship is loaded with Longing, with Life and with Memories.
March 2, 2020
LECTURES, Zero To Fierce Women's Festival, Arcata Playhouse, Arcata, Californien
Marit Benthe Norheim will discuss mobility, flexibility, social participation, direct involvement and collaborations,
and her international work as a woman in the public art realm.
Life-boats and narratives about women’s lives across borders -a meeting between art and science.
Two lectures on the art project Life-Boats by Ann-Dorte Pedholt Christensen (Department for Sociology
and Social Work, Aalborg University) and Marit Benthe Norheim (visual artist).
BOOK REVIEW, A Shipload of Women's Memories
Published in the European Journal of Women's Studies, the most prominent European journal for gender research.
Reviewed by Serbian researcher Zorana Antonijevic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia.
Extract from the review:
As in all memory work, the interaction between researchers and researched brings challenges in maintaining intimacy, openness and empathy in situations in which many experiences (migration, war and violence) are not usually shared. However, the life stories collected in the book aim to present not only the present situation of some of the women, such as 79-year-old asylum seeker Basma from Syria (pp. 64–66), but also to
build understanding and open-mindedness between cultures in order to prevent future conflicts. Therefore, the book can serve as a learning tool for tolerance, inclusion and diversity in a world torn by violence, exclusion and differences
A Shipload of Women’s Memories: Narratives across Borders is a remarkable and utstanding book, well researched, well written and accessible beyond the narrow circle of academics. I would strongly recommend it not only to students of social sciences or gender studies, feminists and visual artists but to anyone interested in learning about our societies and the ways in which diversity and dialogue can connect us in resisting intolerance, violence and war.
LIFE-BOATS from dream to dream
March 2018 NEW BOOK - a presentation and documentation of Marit Benthe Norheim's sailing sculpture installation "Life-Boats" and the story behind it.

Great BOOK REVIEW, A Shipload of Women's Memories
From Oxford University Press, migration studies, written by Kathy Davis, who is a highly recognized
gender research journalist and editor of the European Journal of Women's Studies, the most
recognized gender research magazine in Europe.
Extract from the review:
The book shows how traveling across borders can also be enriching as long as connections are maintained with families and cultures. More generally, the stories of the interviewed women indicate how mobility can promote an understanding of differences and help develop tolerance within cultures, more generally.
This book is a good illustration of what contemporary social theory on mobility might gain from a biographical perspective. We clearly need theoretical frameworks that attend to the ways migrants, often with great creativity, manage the apparent contradictions of belonging and not belonging, while finding ways to live viable lives ‘in-between’ cultures. And, finally, the addition of Norheim’s reflections as an artist on the women’s stories provides insight into the emotional dimension of belonging in ways that a straightforward sociological analysis cannot. She used her impressions of the interviewed women to create a figurehead that would capture the essence of their life story
The book is, therefore, an example of how the use of imagination, empathy, and creativity necessary for producing an artwork that can enhance the narrative approach favored by biographical researchers. A Shipload of Women’s Memories. Narratives across Borders is a ‘must-read’ for anyone
interested in migration, mobility and displacement; gender and its intersections of age,class, ethnicity, and national belonging; and life-stories as methodology. It offers a memorable journey into the lives of some extraordinary women. And, last but not least, it will leave readers longing to see the Life-boats for themselves, as they continue on their voyages throughout Europe.

From May and four months onwards, the public has the opportunity, once again, to experience one of the flagships of the European Capital of Culture Aarhus 2017, the three sailing sculptures Life-boats, which are created by the Norwegian-born artist, Marit Benthe Norheim.
This year, the summer cruise goes to a number of ports from Aarhus to Sønderborg - with a detour over Storebælt to Zealand and Copenhagen