Articles in English
A Shipload of Women's Memories
From Oxford University Press, migration studies, written by Kathy Davis, who is a highly recognized gender research journalist and editor of the European Journal of Women's Studies, the most
recognized gender research magazine in Europe.
Life-Boats are listed as worth a visit in
the world in 2017 by The Independent.
see under September,
Journal of urban Culture Reseach.
Faculty of fine and Applied Arts,
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
Vol 8 2014. Article by Else Marie Bukdahl,
New Visual Dialogues and New Art Projects
Where to travel in 2017:
The cities and countries you
need to see
Journal of Urban Culture Reseach
Faculty of fine and Applied Arts,
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
Article by Marit Benthe Norheim
Articles in Danish and Norwegian
is the highest-circulation Swedish-language newspaper in Finland