Life-boats Collaborating partners
Danish collaborating partners:
Aarhus European Capital of Culture 2017
Region Northern Jutland
Region South Denmark
The Triangle Region
Aalborg Portland
Aalborg Municipulity
Aalborg University
Dr. Phil. Else Marie Bukdahl, former Rector of the Danish Royal Academy of Art
The Norwegian embassy in Copenhagen
Elsebeth Gerner Nielsen, Rector of Design School Kolding and former Danish Minister of Culture
Erik Foldager, Boat Builder, Hundested Propeller A/S
Lars T. Olsen, Skibsingeniør, CDE Danish Marine Design ApS, Copenhagen
Frederikshavn Municipulity
Hjørring Municipulity
Jens Frimann, leader of the project Helsingør Theatre and -cultural diversity as a resource in art.
Krogh Andersen Signs and Advertising, Hjørring
Kvinfo - markering af Kvindernes Stemmeret 2015
Lars T. Olsen, Ships engineer, CDE Danish Marine Design ApS, Copenhagen
The print workshop in Hjørring
University College Northern Jutland, Aalborg
Utzon Center, Aalborg
Women's museum, Aarhus
Norwegian and other internationale collaborating partners:
Bergen international Festival, by Chief Executive & Artistic Director Anders Beyer
Det norske Komponistforbund
European Capital of Culture
Holger Koefoed, Art Historian and writer and principal of the Oslo National Academy of Arts.
Jorunn Veiteberg, Dr. Phil, Art historian, curator, writer and Professor at the Bergen National Academy of the Arts
Josefine Visescene, Oslo
Mary Miller, General & Artistic Director of Bergen National Opera, Norway and former Director, Stavanger2008
Norwegian Maritime Museum, Oslo
Notam, Norwegian Center for Technology in music and the arts
Park Teateret, Oslo
Skien Municipulity
Telemarkskanalerne ved Fylkeskultursjefen
Culture Clinic, Göteborg, Sweden
Deutsch-Dänische Zusammenarbeit, Flensburg, Germany
Dunker Kulturhus i Helsingborg, Sweden
Grzegorz Å. Duszyski, an experienced Polish cul tural organizer has communicated a great de- sire from the Polish side, to collaborate on the project and its cultural exchange.
Trans Europe Halles, Et internationalt netværk til udveksling, support og samarbejde. TEH samler omkring 50 tværfaglige kulturelle centre, i flere end 20 land. Det kører og koordinerer flere bilaterale og multilaterale kulturpro jekter og er støttet af bl. a. Nordisk Råd og EU.
KTO, This international Polish Street Theatre KTO, would like to organize the possible Polish Culture exchange part.
Preliminary collaborating artist:
Geir Johnson, composer, is writing the music for the insides of Life-boats
Inge Tranter, translator, photograper, artist
Joan Grønfeldt Kristensen, Mygdal Pottemageri
Jørn Siemen Øverli, a balladsinger and leader of the Norwegian Polish project Karuzela
Kjetil Berge, Visual artist
Michael Richardt Petersen, performance artist
Peter Kuchinke, glassmaker
Ruth Wilhelmine Meyer, Singer/Vocal artist
Tonje TT, Walking Mermaid, composer, musician
Richard Shusterman og Yann Toma; The Golden Man