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Life-Boats on ARTE-TV


May 2017


Teaser by Arte-Tv - The European culture channel


Life-Boats on EURONEWS


Euronews 21-02-2017


Europe's most watched news channel euronews that sends  to 155 million viewers in 102 countries.

The spot here tells the story of the artist Marit Benthe Norheim Life-boats and about the exhibition The ship is loaded with Memories of Women's Museum in Aarhus.


Life-Boats on Norwegian news


NRK 21-01-2017


NRK Norwegian television visited Life-boats in Aarhus where they where out sailing with "Memories" and visited Marit Benthe Norheim during her preparations for the exhibition at the Women's Museum "The ship is loaded with memories"

04.48 min.

Life-Boats on their maiden voyage


TV2 Nord Salto broadcasts,

from 13th of September 2016

(Danish local TV) 


In June, the sculptor Benthe Norheim three skulptubåde launched and christened after eight years of hard work. We follow the emotional day and take a look back at the creation process.


Life-boats waiting


TV2 Nord Salto broadcasts,

from 16th of June 2016

(Danish local TV) 


Three boats shaped like women of different ages are at the harbour in Nørresundby, waiting for their first trip. They are to be launched on Saturday, so they can be part of Aalborg Regatta, which takes place from 16. - 19. June.



Aarhus2017 reveil highligts


TV2 Østjylland broadcasts,

from 29th of January 2016

(Danish local TV) 


Countdown to Aarhus becomes European Capital of Culture in 2017. We focus on what you can experience during the year and take a closer look and unveil some of the highligts.


26 min.

Visit from Somalian Halimo Farah


TV2 Østjylland broadcasts,

from 17th of January 2016

(Danish local TV) 


TV2 Østjylland is visiting Marit Benthe Norheim in Mygdal, along with Somalian Halimo Farah from Gellerup i Aarhus. She's one of the figureheads to "My ship is loaded with Memories"


3.50 min.

The first Life-boat launch


TV2 Nord broadcasts,

from 26th of November 2015

(Danish local TV) 


Tv2 North follows the exciting test sailing of " My ship is loaded with Life " in Strandby Harbour 30-31th

of October


9.30 min.

Casting of the last Life-boats 


TV2 Nord broadcasts,

from 17th of Septhember 2015,

(Danish local TV) 


The third both "My ship is loaded with Memories, is ready for casting and around 150 volunteers participated. 17 different nationalities were represented in the course of  the casting weekend. 


9 min.

Last Life-boat almost finished


TV2 Nord broadcasts,

from 28th of April 2015,

(Danish local TV) 


The third both "My ship is loaded with Memories, is almost finished. And Benthe is working with the figureheads.


8 min.



TV2 Nord broadcasts,

from 28th of November 2014,

(Danish local TV) 


short film about the  “Casting Party” of "My ship is loaded with Life" in June 2014.


10 min.

Artist invited to Castingparty


TV2 Nord broadcasts

(Danish local TV)


from the second “Casting Party” of "My ship is loaded with Life" on the 30. of June 2014


2.35 min

Castingparty "My ship is loaded with Longing"


24 Nordjyske broadcasts

on the 27. of May 2012

(Danish local TV)


from the first Life-boats “Casting Party”  of "My ship is loaded with Longing"


2.21 min

Building a ship


TV2 Nord broadcasts

on the 26th. of November 2011

(Danish regional TV)


from the Life-boats building process


4.01 min


NRK1, Dagsrevyen broadcasts

on the 25th of. October 2011

(Norwegian National TV News)

from the Life-boats building process

2.06 min


Schulptureship taking form


TV2 Nord broadcasts

on the 1st. of June 2011

(Danish regional TV)


from the Life-boats building process of "My ship is loaded with Longing"


2.47 min


Life-boats on exhibition


TV2 Nord broadcasts

on the 20th. Of September 2010

(Danish regional TV)

from the Life-boats process exhibition in Skagen


4.20 min



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