Espen Wæhle, director for Norsk Maritimt Museum
Oslo, 14 october 2011
Support for the project “Life-Boats” of Marit Benthe Norheim
A summary of the project “Life-Boats” was presented to the museum, and the museum has had a meeting with Geir Johnson, a composer and contributor to the project. We have evaluated the project in light of our exhibitions and plans for artistic and interpretive activity at the Norwegian Maritime Museum in the coming years. Both the staff and management of the museum have expressed interest and enthusiasm for the “Life-Boat” project. In our view, the project will provide a new way to convey and interpret the intangible, mythical aspects of seafaring in the form of both exhibitions and activities on the fjord.
The Norwegian Maritime Museum would like to express our interest in participating in this project as a harbor area and as a co-arranger of the project in Oslo in the summer of 2013. At this point, no formal written contract has been made between the interested parties, nor have any financial aspects been discussed. This letter is therefore an expression of the museum’s interest in participating in the project in principle.
For the Norwegian Maritime Museum
Espen Wæhle