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Claus Svenstrup, Thomas Østergaard and Steen Poulsen


Recommendation of the Life-boats project by Region Nordjylland, Frederikshavn Municipality

and Hjørring Municipality


Region Nordjylland, Frederikshavn Municipality and Hjørring Municipality have funded the establishment of Life-boats. We want to substantiate and motivate our support of the project in this statement.

The Life-boats project places itself in the crossroads between 'creative alliances' and 'cultural and commercial collaborations'. It involves artists, cultural institutions, businesses, institutes of learning as well as the tourism and entertainment industries.


The project is designed for children and young people and thus involves new cultural consumers. The project will also work towards promoting the image of Northern Jutland as a progressive and dynamic region with a living cultural life.Marit Benthe Norheim has shown that she has both the artistic and organisational skills needed to establish a project like Life-boats.Marit Benthe Norheim has made artistic breakthroughs with projects like 'Campingwomen' and 'Rolling Angels'. The 'Campingwomen' surprise, waken amazement and are still rolling around on the map of Europe.


The strength of Marit Benthe Norheim's artworks is not just the high artistic quality. Her artistic breakthrough is considerable. Her works move everyone. They open up experiences for all regardless of their age, education or social position. Her pieces can be experienced on many different levels.


The Life-boats project also has the ability to seek out an audience, because it will sail into people's daily lives through the European canal system.The educational value of the project is at high level as it draws in the population as well as countless other collaborators and artists from the countries that the Life-boats will be visiting. As regards content, the project focuses on a string of issues like climate, environmentally friendly transport, relations between cultural groups, the role of the woman in society, peace negotiations, communication and our common development. The project will activate thousands of European children and young people in roles as cultural contributors, cultural creators and cultural consumers


Life-boats will have a marked media profile and will, through the organisation of the necessary strategy, assist in making Northern Jutland visible throughout Europe.Life-boats is an international project and is innovative in many respects. This holds true for the framework, content, activation of the audience, publicity and the composition of the collaborative relationsips.We can only extend our greatest support to Marit Benthe Norheim and Life-boats.


Claus SvenstrupConsultant, Cultural and Entertainment Economy Region Nordjylland

Thomas Østergåaard, Cultural and Leisure Director, Frederikshavn Municipality

Steen Poulsen, Cultural Consultant, Hjørring Municipality

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